Call of duty cold war zombie easter egg
Call of duty cold war zombie easter egg

call of duty cold war zombie easter egg

The shot on the tape transitions to a Geiger counter going off as the troops motion for everyone else to come closer. The Soviets notice a sign on the wall stating "Projekt Endstation" as they continue onward. The Soviet troops walk inside of a building.

call of duty cold war zombie easter egg

Weaver inserts the tape into a VHS player, as footage of a Soviet fireteam marching in an unknown location plays. Weaver looks over to a VHS tape sitting on the table. Old war footage is the last thing on my mind right now. Weaver: We've lost two teams since you went dark. The man answers and implores the young woman with a question. She enters the phone booth, and dials to a man at the CIA Headquarters in Langley, Virginia.

call of duty cold war zombie easter egg

Alongside is the introduction of the Weapon Rarity and Random Attachments for purchased weapons.Ĭall Of Duty Mobile Review - Boots On The Goģ0 October 2019 Cutscenes Intro Cutscene TranscriptĪ young woman walks towards a phone booth in East Berlin. With Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War featuring an expanded offering on how the standard Zombies formula can be tackled, Die Maschine introduces the ability to start with a unique Loadout, allowing for a singular, customized weapon to begin the game with. The Dark Aether can also be entered in Die Maschine, where it appears as a dark mirror of the map with a few bonus features. This map is also an expanded reimagining of Nacht der Untoten, featuring the original bunker ruins as a centerpiece of the map. It also features a brand new wonder weapon known as the Decompressive Isotopic Estrangement Machine, and the return of the Ray Gun. The map features the return of classic Perk-a-Colas such as Juggernog and Speed Cola, as well as introducing a brand-new perk called Elemental Pop. It is the first map in the Dark Aether Saga, and the thirty-third Zombies map overall.ĭie Maschine takes place in an abandoned Nazi research facility for a particle-colliding experiment responsible for opening a rift into the Dark Aether known as " Projekt Endstation" in Morasko, Poland. Investigate the abandoned Nazi facility at the heart of it all." - Mission Briefingĭie Maschine (German: The Machine) is a Zombies map featured in Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War. A new Cold War threat emerging from the shadows. An undead horde threatening all of humanity. " Dimensional gateways opening around the globe.

Call of duty cold war zombie easter egg